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Welcome to the Morgantown Monongalia Metropolitan Planning Organization (MMMPO) website! We are a transportation planning organization dedicated to improving the region's transportation system. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about the MPO and our transportation planning efforts. Our MPO is responsible for producing two important planning documents: Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Transportation Improvement Program. 

What is a Metropolitan Planning Organization?

Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The MPO develops and updates MTP to include projects that reflect the transportation facility needs in the community.   

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). TIP is a comprehensive four-year regional spending plan for near-term transportation projects, programs, and investment priorities. See the TIP Project Map here. 

Policy Board

Policy Board Meetings are live-streamed on the MMMPO YouTube Channel. These meetings are also recorded and saved on the YouTube Channel.


Are you interested in creating a Community Garden in the Morgantown Area? Good news!! The MMMPO is re-advertising a portion of the Community Garden Grant after one organization had to rescind its award. Check out the information below on how to apply! 

For application details and additional information, please see the links below-


Cooperative Agreement​​​



  • Announcement release: March 21st 2025 (After the MPO Policy Board Meeting on the 20th)

  • MMMPO & City of Morgantown Accept Applications: 1 week after Announcement release

  • Applications Close: April 4th 2025

  • Steering Committee Review: 1 week after Applications close

  • Announcement of Selected Project Online: 1 day after Steering Committee Review

As part of planned improvements to Greenbag Road, the WVDOH will widen the roadway, add sidewalks, and install roundabouts at two underperforming intersections. Unfortunately, this project will displace an existing community garden that serves local residents. In response, the City of Morgantown and the MMMPO are collaborating to support new community garden projects. The WVDOH has allocated $14,600 to be distributed among at least three (3) community organizations, public consortiums (such as HOAs or similar groups), or other eligible applicants. Smaller grant requests are also encouraged, allowing for the potential creation of more than three gardens. To date, two organizations have been awarded a total of $10,000, leaving $4,600 in available funding.


April 3rd Public Meeting 

5:30-7:30 @  Train Depot in Hazel Ruby McQuain Park

Discussing Pedestrian Safety and Don Knotts Boulevard Pedestrian Bridge connecting First Ward to the Rail Trail.


WVU PRT TIP Amendment - March 2025

The public comment period on this amendment will end on March 31, 2025.

TIP FY 2025-2030 (adopted 1/16/25)

WVU Transit TIP Table

Highway TIP Spreadsheet

MMMPO TIP Highway Project - 2024 November (Adopted)

March 2025 TIP

2025 Winter Newsletter MMMPO

Mon County Urban Mass Transportation Authority TIP for 2025-2028

New EV Charging Station Concept Map

Morgantown VRU 2024 WV Vulnerable Road User Assessment

Monongalia County Commission and Governor Justice Announce
$54.3m Federal Grant for Regional Improvements at I-79 Exit 155

MMMPO Unified Planning Work Program FY 2024-25

RAISE Grant Award Announcement from Senator Capito

RAISE Grant Award Announcement from Senator Manchin

MMMPO Public Involvement Policy (Adopted August 2022)

WVDOH Morgantown Pedestrian Safety Study

Highway Aerial

How We Can Help

We help the community plan for transportation improvements that meet their needs and priorities through:  

- Engaging the community for input and feedback on transportation issues. 

- Providing transportation information to help the community make informed decisions. 

- Coordinate transportation development with land use and economic development for regional prosperity.  

- Address transportation equity and sustainability issues. 



Join Our Meetings

Share your ideas and concerns

Citizens Advisory Committee and Transportation Technical Advisory Committee meetings are held in person at 243 High St (Court House), Room 026 in downtown Morgantown. It is also accessible online (virtual meeting link) or by phone at +1-408-418-9388. Code 215843093. 

Policy Board Meetings are held at Monongalia County Commission Chambers at 243 High Street Morgantown, WV. It is streamed live on the MPO's YouTube Channel.

There is a public comment period at the beginning of the Policy Board meeting. The public is allowed to 'sit-in' (virtually or in person) at the TTAC and CAC meetings, but not allowed to comment.

Meeting Calendar


Attend Our Events

The MPO holds public events to engage with community members and solicit feedback on transportation studies and plans. These events provide an opportunity for the public to learn about proposed projects, voice their concerns, and provide suggestions to improve the transportation system. By holding these events, MPOs can ensure that the transportation plans and projects reflect the needs and priorities of the local community.

In addition, the MPO collaborates with the WV Division of Highways and Mountain Line Transit Authority to advertise public events on transportation projects and plans. 

Upcoming Events: 

None at the time. Check back for updates. 



Send Us a Message

How can the transportation system better serve you? 

Have you noticed traffic hazards on the road?

What improvements are needed to make you feel more comfortable walking and bicycling?

Have any suggestions to improve the transportation system in the area?

Have any comments to improve the transportation planning process?

Please tell us what you think. 

Thanks for submitting!

What We Do

The MMMPO has the authority to plan, prioritize, and recommend transportation projects for federal and state funding. It is responsible for ensuring the region is in compliance with federal and state planning requirements. The MMMPO is committed to providing leadership to regional transportation planning, promoting personal and social economic prosperity while encouraging sustainable growth. 

Regional Collaboration

Establish and manage a fair and impartial setting for effective regional decision-making in the metropolitan area.


Develop Metropolitan Transportation Plan, and conduct studies and analyses to inform planning decisions. 


Develop Transportation Improvement Program to ensure projects are coordinated and meet the needs of the community.  

Who We Are

The Morgantown Monongalia MPO is the federally-designated transportation planning agency for the Morgantown Monongalia area, serving as a regional partnership among the West Virginia DOT, the local transit agency, local elected leadership, local government, the business community, and citizens.

We work closely with local, state, and federal agencies to provide safe, efficient, and sustainable transportation options and to develop transportation plans and programs that reflect the needs and priorities of our community.



MountainLine Logo.png


The Morgantown Monongalia MPO is committed to the value of equal opportunity, which ensures non-discrimination in the access to, the benefits of, and the opportunities to participate in the activities of our program.


243 High Street Room 026

Morgantown, WV  26505 

(304) 291-9571

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