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Response to consultant RFQ Inquiry



Please find below the response to your questions.


1. Including Monongalia County, there are five jurisdictions that are required to update their Comprehensive Plans at approximately the same time as the MPO is updating its Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Each jurisdiction has to have its own standalone document. These jurisdictions are the City of Morgantown, Monongalia County, the City of Westover, the Town of Granville, and Town of Star City. We anticipate that these jurisdictions will enter into a joint contract along with the MPO for the selected consultant(s) to perform their Comprehensive Plan updates as part of a consortium. However, the final decision to join the consortium is at the discretion of each jurisdiction once a consultant is selected and the scope of work is developed. It is anticipated that the MPO will be the primary project manager for this effort.


2. No neither of the entities named have a subscription to


3. Yes, we wish to have the work for both the comprehensive plans and the MTP overlap. It should be noted that we anticipate that there are two primary tasks for the Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update. These tasks are:


a) The Regional Travel Demand Model (RTDM) update which is to be based on the draft future land uses identified in the Comprehensive Plans. The RTDM update should include an evaluation of the need for and feasibility of the existing transportation plans roadway projects (with cost estimates updated as part of the work) and should identify if there is a future need for new roadway projects not previously identified by the MPO.  


b) Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update Public Involvement process- The public involvement process is to create a consensus based fiscally constrained transportation plan that consolidates the recommendations of the recently updated Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, the recently developed Transit Plan (to be adopted shortly) and any new or existing roadway projects identified by the RTDM update. This process should include a review and update of our previous plans goals, and objectives, as well as specific projects with the public and elected officials. This work should also include the identification of easily tracked local performance measures to identify progress in meeting the area’s goals and objectives.  


Thank you for your interest in our project. Please note that this answer will be posted on our website for all interested firms to review. Please review our website to see our answer to previous questions.




Please see below for a few questions regarding the Comprehensive Plans & Metropolitan Transportation Pan Update RFQ.


1. As the scope is written, is seems the MPO is asking for 5 DRAFT Comp Plan updates at this time ---- that is, 5 separate documents. Please verify if this is the case, or are we reading this incorrectly? 


2. Does the County or the MPO have a subscription to


3. Is there a desire by the client to have the 1) Comprehensive Plan Updates; 2) Regional Travel Demand Model Enhancement; and 3) Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update done with overlap in project schedules?


The Transit plan is being finalized by HDR. It will be available prior to the contract for the MTP update. 




The RFP mentions a recently adopted Transit plan.  I can’t seem to find a copy of it on your website or on Mountain Line’s.  Is a copy available?

Thanks and Happy Holidays!


The selection committee for the project consists of the TTAC members from each jurisdiction, one from WVDOH and FHWA will be invited to participate.


It is our understanding that the small municipalities in the area (Granville, Westover, and Star City) are primarily interested in revalidating their current land use plan. Any additional focus would be welcome but not of primary concern to them. There are several recent events that have focused both the City of Morgantown and Monongalia County on economic development. The City may also have a strong interest in innovative redevelopment.


To assist in your understanding of the project. It should be remembered that each comprehensive plan will be handled by the responsible agency which can contract with the selected consultant for specific services in the comprehensive plan process. It is envisaged that the MMMPO’s MTP update will provide the primary public involvement opportunities except for the requirements for final adoption of the comprehensive plans.


I hope that this satisfactorily answers your questions. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if we may be of any assistance.


Good morning MMMPO!  I hope you are doing well!  XXXXXXX is interested in your advertised project and we have the following questions:

 I assume that the selection committee will be comprised of MMMPO members, FHWA representative and a WVDOH representative at a minimum.

1.     Do we know who will comprise the selection committee for the plan?

2.     Does the community struggle with particular issues of land use suitability, development capacity and growth management (IE figuring out where they can and should build)?

3.     Does the community struggle with particular issues of economic development (in particular the need for innovative strategies for developing or revitalizing its economic base)?

4.     Are either issues (2) or (3) of such strong concern that members of the committee identified in (1) would place a special focus on unique offerings that solve these problems?  


5.     Is the principal focus of this plan on making the zoning ordinances, policies and capital programming backlog for the region current and complaint with local, state and federal requirements; but without any particular, strong needs to bring in specialized focus on the areas addressed in 1-4.

Thank you for any guidance you can provide us!



The Morgantown Monongalia MPO is committed to the value of equal opportunity, which ensures non-discrimination in the access to, the benefits of, and the opportunities to participate in the activities of our program.


243 High Street Room 026

Morgantown, WV  26505 

(304) 291-9571

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